Friday, December 19, 2008

200 success tips from Robin Sharma

When I first came across this book I simply put it aside :)

You see I did not know who Robin Sharma was and had no interest in wasting my time reading everything I get in my inbox.

And then...I started noticing this guy every where, on CNN, in newspapers, the internet...

So I went back to the book and started reading it.

Boy was I glad I still had the copy.This is a great book. His tips are short but very profound.Read it but more importantly reflect on it and you WILL become a changed person.

You can get this and other books by subscribing to my newsletter at

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Steve Chandler's book - it succeeds where other books fail

I recently read a powerful book written by Steve Chandler.

Steve has one exceptional ability. His clarity.

He completes other authors' thoughts.

Jim Rohn states "You have to work harder on yourself than on the job", Harv Ecker states "You have to live at a higher level of consciousness".

Unfortunately I am not wise enough to take it from there to implementation.

And that is where Steve Chandler is a great help.

He uses the analogy of gears on an automobile to explain how to live at a higher level of consciousness.

In order to live at a higher level of consciousness you have to be a creator and not a reactor.

Not clear? Well I am hardly a Steve Chandler, I suggest you read his book yourself.

You can get this book for free when you subscribe to my newsletter

One last parting thought ... as I was reading his book I was struck by another book that was preaching a similar concept of detachment, the Bhagvad Gita, the sacred text of Hindus.

Mr. Chandler has some powerful backing to his work.