Friday, December 19, 2008

200 success tips from Robin Sharma

When I first came across this book I simply put it aside :)

You see I did not know who Robin Sharma was and had no interest in wasting my time reading everything I get in my inbox.

And then...I started noticing this guy every where, on CNN, in newspapers, the internet...

So I went back to the book and started reading it.

Boy was I glad I still had the copy.This is a great book. His tips are short but very profound.Read it but more importantly reflect on it and you WILL become a changed person.

You can get this and other books by subscribing to my newsletter at

1 comment:

Lijie said...

Hi, We are the official organizer of Robin Sharma's Live in SG Event on 15th May 2009. Special Rates are available - Drop me a mail/sms now to or 9072 1661 now to book a life changing experience or enquires for more information!!! Tickets are running fast!!!